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Civic Intelligence Research and Action Laboratory - Empowering students to envision and help build a better world. The Civic Intelligence Research Action Laboratory (CIRAL) at Evergreen project integrates theory and practice in an ongoing way. CIRAL is devoted to the theory and practice of civic intelligence. It is the type of real-world lab with student leadership that is often reserved for graduate students. A significant part of the project will be devoted to working with people and organizations in and outside of the region. The program would be offered every quarter for at least two years, but ideally could be counted on to be offered for, say, the next 10 years. Students could elect to take the program multiple times.
Nonprofit Panel Resources
Submitted by EFagerness on Fri, 2015-06-05 09:17
Attached is a poster and questions for the 2015 nonprofit panel for future use. The panelists for 2014 and 2015 were:
Katie Rains, E.D. of GRuB - Olympia, WA
Brett Mitchell, E.D of Reliable Enterprises - Centralia, WA
Andy Skinner, E.D of the Lewis County Historical Museum - Chehalis, WA
Rob Richards, former director of the Olympia Downtown Ambassadors - Olympia, WA
Nicole Peters, E.D and Doreen Swetkis, Assistant Director of Nature Nurtures Farm - Olympia, WA
Coffee Strong - Olympia, WA
Green Hill Academic School Scholarship
Submitted by EFagerness on Fri, 2015-06-05 08:57
Here is the scholarship language used for the scholarship created by the juvenile justice cluster in Spring 2015.
CIRAL Web Space
- Accessibility of Online Information
- Collective Decision Making
- Community Inquiry
- Community Networks
- Cyberpower
- Design for Unintended Use
- Document Centered Discussion
- Future Design
- Memory and Responsibility
- Mobile Intelligence
- Online Community Service Engine
- Online Deliberation
- Open Access Scholarly Publishing
- Open Actin and Research Network
- Self-Designed Development
- Thinking Communities
- Transforming Institutions
The creation of a living body of knowledge that is easily accessible and updateable is an important component of CIRAL. By creating this space on the Public Sphere Project, the Liberating Voices pattern language can be easily incorporated into the work to facilitate the sense of shared vision CIRAL is striving for.
Project Goals:
Become a centralized online space for the work of CIRAL
Facilitate project design and coordination
Host action and research results to form a growing body of knowledge
Liberating Voices - Book Patterns
Submitted by Michael O_Neill on Mon, 2012-02-20 01:40
This is all of the patterns from the Liberating Voices book published by MIT press.