05.08.13 Week in Review

Some goals established for this quarter:

  • Develop strategic plan with vision, mission and goals
  • Create 3CP "handbook" with roles, functions, operating instructions, etc. This can be both/either hardcopy or electronic. Part/entirely available through the site.
  • Work toward conforming content to specific guidelines.

Although we were missing Brylie, this week, we benefitted from the new energy and perspective of Chuck.

Cluster members agreed to review and revise wiki content, and to review 3CP content, in order to be ready for in-depth discussion and independent work.

We continue to suffer from a lack of progress in between meetings. Still need to develop sense of cohesion in cluster. Individual members not empowered to do work on their own.

Talked about two ways of working during the next 5 weeks:

  • Together in longer "retreat" type stretches (2-3 hours?) in order to make real progress on strategic plan.
  • Independently on content conforming in order to make progress on shaping up existing site.

This week:

  • Establish concrete goals that can be worked toward independently by individual cluster members.
  • Set retreat times.