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Activity Report # 6
Submitted by dantebgarcia on Wed, 2013-02-20 11:02
February 13th, Wednesday –Today I turn people out to participate in a discussion of amendment 3.6, an amendment that was passed by the GSU without consulting the study body. This has led to the greatest participation of students with the GSU outside of voting in years.
February 14th, Thursday – Today I worked with WashPIRG and GSU to resolve a conflict they are currently having. I’ve also began networking with specific students across campus that are passionate about the school – particularly: Donald, chair of the GSU; Sovay, student liaison to the Academic Statement; Nate, coordinator of the Shellfish Club and student liaison of Campus Land Use Committee; and Cate, Care Network Coordinator. The intention of bringing these folks to together is to observe the systemic health of the school and to participate (perhaps in a collective impact model fashion) in shifting campus culture for the better.
February 15th, Friday – I lined up all the last logistics for Feb 18th. For the first time that anyone in my network of friends/allies are aware of, there’s going to be a rocking dance party on the Capital.
February 16th, Saturday –Met with Jonesy to check in about home office activity. We developed a plan for this coming Wednesday. In addition, we began reviewing the handbook, looking at the distribution of CIRAL data, and continued developing bylaws.
Worked with Amy Leong from APALA on job descriptions for the Traveling Photo Exhibit
February 17th, Sunday – went to workshop hosted by Bill Moyer and Danielle from the Backbone Campaign on Core Foundations for campaigns and Direct Action.
February 18th, Monday –I spent the entire day participating in National Lobby Day. We set up early in the morning and marched to the capitol from the Oly/Rafah mural dragging with us a eleven foot by eleven foot one trillion dollar student debt ball. The coalition from Evergreen was the GSU, NARAL Ninjas, Dirty Hands Arts Collective, and WashPIRG.
At 6:30 I partook in the building of a male ally workshop set for March 5th – I’ve been working on this project for the past three weeks. Specifically, I’ve worked to involve a range of folks interested and impacted by male privilege: Women of Color Coalition, Women’s Resource Center, other dudes, Colleen – who hosted a male ally workshop last year, and an alumnus with past experience.
In addition I don't know where but I would like to submit a new Cluster
Evergreen Revival Cluster - mission statement: Evergreen emerged from the understanding that education should be more than a conveyer belt to industries, but as John Dewey said, “Education is a social process; education is growth; education is not preparation for life but is life itself.” In this sense the Evergreen Model at its inception was an emergent pattern of civic intelligence. This cluster's participation in the community is oriented around investigating/experiencing/building upon the civic intelligence of the community – may that be through: creating space for more co-operative action, making the narrative of the school accessible (connecting current students to past generations and the work that they have done), codifying structural knowledge and experience for participating in the community, and participating on civically intelligent aspects of the community