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Pursuance Project
Submitted by doug on Thu, 2018-05-03 11:21
- Anti-Racism
- Appropriating Technology
- Big Tent for Social Change
- Citizenship Schools
- Civic Capacities
- Civic Intelligence
- Collective Decision Making
- Intentional Networks of Alternative Media
- Open Actin and Research Network
- Political Settings
- Privacy
- Public Agenda
- Sense of Struggle
- Strategic Capacity
- Strategic Frame
- Voices of the Unheard
Organization's slogan:
Pursuance -> Collaboration -> Justice 
Civic Organization Disclaimer:
Possible disclaimer: This information has been entered by a person who isn't associated with the organization. It may be incomplete or contain mistakes. If you are associated with this organization and would like to maintain this information, please get a Public Sphere Project account and ask us to transfer ownership of this information to you.
Pursuance is open source software that enables individuals to organize in the pursuit of shared goals. Individuals and/or existing organizations can form or join a “pursuance” to work toward a common goal. Pursuances combine secure task management and discussion features, allowing newcomers to quickly get up to speed and enabling productive team-wide collaboration. Pursuances can interact with each other, cooperating on shared goals or assigning tasks to one another.
Organizational engagement:
Active Volunteer Opportunities:
Come get involved! You can join us on our Mattermost chat server and volunteer your skills. We're especially on the lookout for:
Developers (React)
If you're a coder, and especially if you're proficient with React, we want you! Enter the "pursuance" Mattermost channel and tell us a bit about yourself. Pursuance's tech stack consists of React, Redux, Bootstrap; Go, Postgres, PostgREST; WebSockets; NaCl and miniLock for crypto. For more information, review the overview of the Pursuance system.
We're looking for designers and UX experts who can lend their keen eyes to the Pursuance team. Join us in the "pursuance" Mattermost channel and introduce yourself!
Artists and creative types
We're preparing a Kickstarter and trying to put together some great merch options for our backers. Handy with GIMP/Photoshop or Inkscape/Illustrator? Got an eye for creative product design? Have good ideas for designs that others can execute? Come on in to the "Creative Design" Mattermost channel and talk to us!
Want other ways to get involved? There are other ways to support Pursuance:
Donate to Pursuance!
The Pursuance Project is a nonprofit organization of dedicated volunteers - it needs your financial support. Every bit helps!
Join our Mailing List!
Our monthly mails include updates on the platform's development and ways to get involved. Sign up here!
Contact information: