Shared/Group Trust

Isaac Smith
Taking ownership in small of a greater responsibility beyond our individuality.

We often automatically contribute the trustworthiness to a name or a brand. This may be acceptable and common, but hazardous as well. There are times when we are not aware of how much impact we have upon on organization/company/group. When mistakes happen blame is passed and no one wants to take ownership. This creates friction in a situation where solutions are being halted.


When, say, a cruise company's ships began malfunctioning too often they lose major business. The company is to blame, yes, but the malfunction of the ship is not a specific mistake of the CEO of the company. This mistake trickles down through the hierarchy. There is an inspection missed and a part that arrived defective from another company.

The employee that missed this seemingly insignificant inspection has caused harm to lives and the company’s profits. Loss of trust of this (hypothetical) cruise company is an affect of one person’s small but very important task not properly followed through.


In regards to Social and Political Capital we often forget that no one person literally does everything involved in what upholds said trust given to them. We live in a society where roles exist for sake of structure. Just as a multibillionaire company can feel the impact of one employees action or lack thereof, so can an individual of great trust in political and social realms feel the loss of capital due to those they entrust not being aware the of the part of that trust that they own.

If money driven companies and important figures rely on the varying elements of trust that need to be in place for them to exist, how much more do Non-profit organizations need to be mindful of this shared trust that exists?


There is an importance of having constant awareness of the trust given to us as individuals within companies, organizations, committee, etc. Our actions have the ability to progress as well as hinder the collective goal that we are a part of. Even when we do know, mistakes can be made. Through this awareness, however, mistakes are less frequent and the path to redemption is swift when they occur. We all have a piece of the puzzle that we are responsible.

Social Critique