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منشطين المجتمع
- Activist Road Trip
- Appreciative Collaboration
- Arts of Resistance
- Back to the Roots
- Citizenship Schools
- Civic Intelligence
- Collective Decision Making
- community action
- Community Inquiry
- Community Networks
- Conversational Support Across Boundaries
- Democratic Political Settings
- Design Stance
- education
- Education and Values
- engagement
- Ethics of Community Informatics
- Everyday Heroism
- Experimental Schools
- Future Design
- Global Citizenship
- Great Good Place
- Homemade Media
- Indigenous Media
- Informal Learning Groups
- Labor Visions
- Meaningful Maps
- Memory and Responsibility
- Open Actin and Research Network
- Organization
- Orientation
- Participatory Design
- Political Settings
- Power of Story
- Power Research
- Public Agenda
- research for action
- Self-Designed Development
- Self-Help Groups
- Sense of Struggle
- service
- Shared Vision
- social
- Spiritually Grounded Activism
- Strategic Capacity
- The Good Life
- Value Sensitive Design
- Voices of the Unheard
Pattern number within this pattern set:
Civic Intelligence (1), Back to the Roots (13), Education and Values (17), Democratic Political Settings (31), Community Currencies (63), Informal Learning Groups (98), Self-Help Groups (105), Self-Designed Development (106), The Power of Story (114), Everyday Heroism (116), Community Inquiry (122)
Justin Smith
The Public Sphere Project & St. Mary's University
Verbiage for pattern card:
غالباً ما يجد متخصصين التطوير صعوبه في تقييم مجموعة كبيرة من المشاكل التي يواجهها المجتمع أو الأصول المختلفة التي يُفرض على المجتمع العمل معها بشكل ملائم. و هذا غالبا ما يعني عدم مطابقة مشاريع التنمية مع احتياجات وقدرات والتزامات المجتمع. يمكن أن يعمل منشطين المجتمع كروابط حيوية كما يمكن أن يقوم لمواطنين المحليين في كثير من الأحيان بتفعيل المجتمع بشكل أفضل لتحقيق التغيير أفضل من أي طرف خارجي
Pattern status: