Technocultural Diversity

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Timothy Haupt
Heald College, Fresno, CA

There are culture-specific reasons why certain communities and countries do not readily accept technology.


Generally, the context appears as Americans try to import technology to third-world countries.


Technocultural Diversity refers to a state of mind that occurs when a culture attempts to adopt technology. Michael Dertouzos (1997) described a world of human-centric computing that will insinuate the lives of individuals in societies that have learned to accept technology. However, certain segments of society and even entire cultures will tend to reject technology if a culturally effective method of deploying technology is not developed. Kanter (2001) suggests that businesses need to evolve with respect to technology or face the risk of failure. This can also be said for cultures and entire countries. In this internetworked age, there is a looming digital divide between those of us who have embraced technology and those of us who have not (Tapscott, 1995).

I would suggest that there will be a new society that will emerge as a result of this new technological shift. However, as Penley, et al. (1991) pointed out, there has been and will continue to be a separation of cultures as a direct result of technology. If we, as technologically literate members of the global community do not pay attention to those of us who are struggling with the adoption of technology and its benefits, the rift we create will cause us to suffer as a global community as we cheat ourselves of the collective minds of those left out.


There is a need for a better way to assist societies and cultures in the adoption and deployment of technology. As part of my dissertation, I plan to explore the different options available and how they may best be implemented.

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